Posted by: FredA | July 24, 2012

Naive well meaning people

Why don’t well meaning people understand that firearms don’t cause crimes?  Criminals commit crimes and they will arm and equip themselves to do so.  People kill people and are responsible for the killing.

Guns don't kille people, People do!Do countries with strong gun control laws have lower murder rates?

Britain is a country with stronger gun control laws than the United States, and lower murder rates. But Mexico, Russia and Brazil are also countries with stronger gun control laws than the United States — and their murder rates are much higher than ours. Israel and Switzerland have even higher rates of gun ownership than the United States, and much lower murder rates than ours.  So the easy, feel good, reaction is based on nothing but emotional response.

Often not considered also and nearly uniformly unreported are crimes PREVENTED by firearms.

Here are some fascinating Crime comparisons to start with.  We understand that people mean well and truly believe that somehow, magically “gun control” will stop crime.  All it will do is disarm potential victims.  Fix the culture that creates the criminals, don’t disarm free citizens.

Posted by: FredA | July 16, 2012

Diminishing Returns or Brainless Sheople

A Laugh for your Monday

Guy goes into a bar in Louisiana where there’s a robot bartender! The robot says, “What will you have?” The guy says, “Whiskey.” The robot brings back his drink and says to the man, “What’s your IQ?” The guy says,” 168.” The robot then proceeds to talk about physics, space exploration and medical technology.

The guy leaves, . . . but he is curious . . . So he goes back into th…e bar. The robot bartender says, “What will you have?” The guy says, “Whiskey.” Again, the robot brings the man his drink and says, “What’s your IQ?” The guy says, “100.” The robot then starts to talk about Nascar, Budweiser, the Saints and LSU Tigers

The guy leaves, but finds it very interesting, so he thinks he will try it one more time. He goes back into the bar. The robot says, “What will you have?” The guy says, “Whiskey,” and the robot brings him his whiskey. The robot then says, “What’s your IQ?” The guy says, “Uh, about 50.”

The robot leans in real close and says, “SO, . . . you people . . . still happy . . . with Obama?”

Posted by: FredA | June 18, 2012

Afghanistan Casualty Question

How come all the “anti-war” people aren’t incensed about the current administration

Here’s a table of military fatalities in Afghanistan:

Year US UK Other Total
2001 12 0 0 12
2002 49 3 18 70
2003 48 0 10 58
2004 52 1 7 60
2005 99 1 31 131
2006 98 39 54 191
2007 117 42 73 232
2008 155 51 89 295
2009 317 108 96 521
2010 499 103 109 711
2011 418 46 102 566
2012 145 24 33 202
Total 2009 418 622 3049


Fatalities have gone up significantly under Obama with no political or military progress made.  

Source: Thanks to John Ransom

Posted by: FredA | June 15, 2012

Who ARE the collectivist lib/prg left?

Why are 20 percent of the population liberal?  Why does the President state with surety that “only the government” can solve economic problems?  Health care coverage disparities?  Save the environment?  It is because he belongs to a segment of the dependency mass.

Where comes this confidence in government.  Even supposed conservatives “admit the need” for “government action” on a plethora of issues.  They, conservative and liberal alike, disregard any mention of such action being outside the scope and authority of Federal Government.  Government programs have consistently failed since the depression.  The New Deal failed, the “War on Poverty” failed.  Medicare is a mess that’s getting worse, as is Social (in)Security.  Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.  Let’s look at the dependency mass that perpetuates this fantasy of government goodness.

The dependency mass includes the 20 percent identified above, the leftist collectivist politicians who claim to represent them and another, difficult to size group of “moderate” or “independent” types.  Within this mass there are several types.

The Professional Victims: This is a very diverse group who choose to divide rather than unite America.  They are incapable of seeing “Americans” but must subcategorize them in to victim groups.  Their aim is to gain power, influence and money for themselves while claiming to be “protecting” those they identify as “oppressed”.  Oppression in the U.S. only exists in the fevered imaginations of these professional victims and their organizers.  One benefit of modern American culture is that everyone realizes that liberty is for everyone and that success is available to ANYONE willing to work hard for it.  Unless of course the Sheople herders of the dependency mass complete their collectivization of America.  Perhaps if these professional victims didn’t perpetuate racism (and all other “isms”) and a victim mentality in their sheople the U.S would get even better.  But that would eliminate their true purpose, to gain power, influence and money.

The trained dependents:  This is a group that through the cultural changes and the liberal’s control of public schools and academia have come to believe that the government’s role is to provide them with things.  Money, houses, health care, jobs.  They believe they are entitled to these things for no reason other than that they want them provided.

The emotional idealistsDeciding based on feeling good.  The donor base of the donkey party.  They struggle with guilt at their own fortune, afforded them by freedom.  They think that it is only right and good that others be required to give, by coercion, to “those in need”as deemed by the idealist.  They believe that government is good and that people are inherently good.  Their morals are relative.  Things are moral if it feels emotionally good to them.  Freedom is just a smoke screen for “mean” or “selfish” people. All people are entitled to whatever wish or believe they need.  All should be required to provide it.  Earning things, respect, goods, status is just a concept used by “cruel” people.  The greatest feature of this type is their all consuming self-centeredness.  All things must work in a way that allows them to feel good about themselves.

Lazy People: Both the intellectually lazy who “believe things” just because considering another view involves intellectual effort.  They are perfectly willing to latch on to what “seems right” rather than think things through.  Academia strives to turn out such “thinkers” whether consciously or because the “instructors” are such themselves.  We mustn’t forget the physically lazy who are more than willing to take hand outs and “programs” rather than better themselves by individual effort.  Doing so would take away from their video game and tv time.  Heaven forbid that work be required to get a check.  

Selfish People:  Many of the lazy, above, fit here too.  As do many in the other groupings.  Selfishness and greed are powerful emotional  motivators. I’ve heard people who receive government issued freebies (“programs”, “benefits”, checks) refer to them as “their” money.  Pontificate loudly on their “right” to them.  Fight vigorously against any idea or plan to “take away my” *insert free anything here*.  A humorous interview in Detroit was with some people who lined up for hours to get some “Obama money“.  They didn’t know or care where it came from (“Obama’s stash”?!?).  Such gross ignorance and crass selfishness aren’t unique, it is common.

Envious People:  Envy is another powerful emotion that causes liberal people to adopt and support collectivist government as needful and good.  To those who haven’t achieved at the same level as others don’t seek to raise themselves but to tear down those who have.  A term they love is “raise all boats” not caring that such attempts sink more boats than are raised.  To these types, achievers are “greedy”, “mean” and “selfish”.  They can’t make a distinction between the ambition and self-interest of achievers and prefer to assign their own envious selfishness.  The envious are often lazy, make or made poor choices and ignorant of those things which achievers excel at.  Rather than achieve they prefer to dislike and attack those more successful than they have chosen to be.

Intellectual Elitists: A driving force of liberal and socialist collectivism.  There are people of all political stripes who suffer from this but it is pervasively liberal in academia and government and often used as political justification.  “We just know better than you” is the hallmark of such elitists.  They live in environments that reinforce and perpetuate their elitism.  When confronted with this concept the liberals defend their elitism by saying “I should disregard people who do know better” (than you)?  They continually claim to have “facts and knowledge” that non-liberals don’t possess to justify their emotion based ideologies.  Intellectual arrogance is part and parcel to these types.

Collectivist Rulers:  Drawn from the intellectual elitists, the emotional idealists and just plain megalomaniac politicians (note: these types of politicians accrue to conservative as well as liberal groupings.  It only depends on what they see as the path to power).  Collectivist politicians often begin as any of the other groupings or some combination.  They tend however to be focused on an eye for the main chance.  The acquisition of power and the perks of power.  The reinforcement of their conviction that they know better and above all that the people of “flyover” country “clinging to their guns and bibles” truly need the caring knowledgeable control of such as themselves.

Such characteristics breed the condescending attitudes of collectivists, fuel their arrogance and pump up their hubris.

The only solution to problems is less Federal Government.  Uncle Sugar actually acting within its enumerated powers.  20 percent claim to be “liberal”, unfortunately their political mass is swelled by folks such as those above.  We all suffer from such tendencies as we are not “inherently good”, rather failed creatures with the ability to improve ourselves.  By our OWN EFFORTS not by the “programs” of elitists who wish to penalize success and empower only themselves.

Posted by: FredA | June 14, 2012

Statist Collectivist Crazy Spending

President Obama isn’t truthful about the economy nor his own administration’s spending.  Both parties acede to this mad spending and sheople “demand” their supposed “benefits”.

US Fed Deficits Summary








Why is the concept of only spending money you HAVE so foreign to political weenies?  To get a truthful look at our spending and deficits; The 2009 Deficit ascribed to President Bush INCLUDES $831 billion of spending passed by a Donkey controlled Congress and signed into law by the Obamessiah.  So you must realize that the (actual/real) deficit the Shrub was responsible for in 2009 is 582 Billion.  All of them way to high, but Obama’s are just insanely stupid for the country’s future. –

Posted by: FredA | June 13, 2012

Paying the Restaurant Bill

Heard a man named “Kenny” on the radio really, and simply, blow President Oblama’s “steak dinner” reference.  The President said (verbatim here) that President Bush bought a fancy dinner and drinks and “stuck me (Obama) with the bill”.  That is a good line and certainly will fire up the sheople who don’t pay attention to truth and reality (liberals).  Unfortunately it also isn’t true, not even remotely.

Oh yes, President Bush was a big government, left leaning, statist President who spent to much (with the collusion of Congressional Repbulicrats AND Demonrats) and unconstitutionally.  But he is a PIKER compared to “The One’s” Presidency with the collusion of a Demonrat Congress.  The “baked in” arguments don’t work.  The “wars” cost a trillion.  The deficit is 15 TRILLION and growing.

The better (best?) TRUE analogy is the one heard from Kenny the radio caller.  President Bush bought a fancy and dinner and drinks and left it for President Obama to enjoy and pay for.  President Obama arrived, took the dinner and drinks and ordered fancy dinners and drinks for the WHOLE RESTAURANT.  He then told the establishment that the entire bill was the responsibility of President Shrub II.

Only the ignorant will fall for such lies.  Obama’s well meaning or not, legitimate or not, “leadership” is destroying the country.  Let’s fix it in November.  Here is the “bill”.

Posted by: FredA | May 16, 2012

A Censored Race War – Thomas Sowell – Na

A Censored Race War – Thomas Sowell – National Review Online

Posted by: FredA | May 15, 2012

How Gov. Brown Ruined California in His

How Gov. Brown Ruined California in His First Term – Mike Shedlock – Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary

Posted by: FredA | May 11, 2012

Two kinds of austerity | Real Economics

Two kinds of austerity | Real Economics –

Posted by: FredA | May 11, 2012

What Constitutes a Fair Trial? – VERY im

What Constitutes a Fair Trial? – VERY important topic –

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